Two Things

You are viewing an old revision of this post, from January 15, 2012 @ 21:51:19. See below for differences between this version and the current revision.

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January 15, 2012 @ 21:51:19Current Revision
Auto Draft Two Things
 <ol><li>It's unbelievable: I haven't added a blog post in <em>nearly a year</em>. Worse, I have no excuse – writing is an activity I both enjoy and want to improve at; additionally, I've had a sufficiently interesting year to provide me with decent writing material.
  </li><li>MediaTemple Grid Hosting is <strong>slow</strong>. Really, unforgivably slow. Really, I (i) opened Word, (ii) registered by blog account, and (iii) typed this before the <strong>Add New Post</strong> page finished loading. I realize I don't get much traffic – 100 hits a month? – but that's <em>unforgiveable</em>. Frankly I should move off them entirely for simple hosting like this, but I might shift to a (ve) server since migrating would be helluva lot easier.</li></ol>

Note: Spaces may be added to comparison text to allow better line wrapping.

  • Looking forward to seeing what pops up here.

    • Same here! Take your own advice from 2007!

      • haha @ digging up a post of mine from 2007. I have some rather embarrassing things in my archives.

        I have a thing about taking my own advice. Which is a shame, because I think I generally give pretty good advice. Maybe. Sometimes.